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Pair of Wooden Pattens

Image ID: 01049

Pair of Wooden Pattens Pâr o Ffollachau Pren

© Powysland Museum, 2023. © Y Lanfa Amgueddfa Powysland, 2023.

Y Trallwng

Pair of pattens or overshoes. Early 19th century. Pattens were worn to keep the feet elevated from the mud and wet of the streets. Before the 20th century many streets did not have sewers and would have been filled with horses and other animals making them very dirty. If you were wearing expensive shoes you could protect them with overshoes. They were also worn by laundry maids to lift them above wet floors, at home to keep the feet warm above cold flagstone floors, or by farmers working on muddy land. Pattens were regularly made up until being replaced by rubber wellington boots in the 1920s. Made of a thick wooden sole, there is a leather strap to attach it over your shoe and a metal ring underneath to lift you above. This pair have a round metal ring, and a pretty flower pattern embossed on the leather. The soles have the word 'proctor', which could be a brand or the owner's name. Pâr o ffollachau neu esgidiau uchaf. O ddechrau’r 19eg ganrif. Gwisgwyd ffollachau er mwyn cadw’r traed yn uwch i ffwrdd o’r llaid a dŵr ar y strydoedd. Cyn yr 20fed ganrif, nid oedd ceuffosydd ar lawer o strydoedd, a byddai ceffylau ac anifeiliaid eraill yn eu gwneud yn fudr ac yn frwnt iawn. Os oeddech chi’n gwisgo esgidiau drud, gellir eu diogelu trwy wisgo ffollachau. Hefyd byddai morwynion y golchdy’n eu gwisgo i’w codi uwchben lloriau gwlyb, yn y cartref i gadw traed yn gynnes ar gerrig llorio oer, neu gan ffermwyr wrth weithio ar dir mwdlyd. Gwnaethpwyd ffollachau’n rheolaidd nes dyfodiad esgidiau glaw rwber yn y 1920au. Mae ganddynt wadnau pren trwchus, gyda strap lledr i’w clymu uwchben eich esgidiau a chylch metel oddi tanynt i’ch codi o’r llawr. Mae cylch metel ar y pâr yma, a phatrwm blodau pert ar y lledr. Mae’r gair ‘proctor' ar y gwadnau – gall fod yn enw brand neu enw’r perchennog.

Industry, Farming, Domestic life, Fashion and textiles


Y Lanfa Powysland Museum Y Lanfa Amgueddfa Powysland

Organisation Reference:
Powysland Museum WEPLM:1984.417 and WELPM:1977.39


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