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Oil Painting of Old Welshpool by Mary Jane Davies

Image ID: 00794

Oil Painting of Old Welshpool by Mary Jane Davies Peintiad Olew o’r Hen Drallwng gan Mary Jane Davies

© Y Lanfa Powysland Museum, 2023. © Y Lanfa Amgueddfa Powysland, 2023.

Y Trallwng

Oil painting depicting an historic view of Welshpool by local artist Mary Jane Davies (1855-1917). Mary was born in Welshpool and attended art classes at the Powysland School of Art. She painted many views of Welshpool inspired by old photographs and drawings. This painting depicts Welshpool in the early 1800s and appears to have been copied from a sketch from 1810. You can see Bull Arch over Lledan Brook, the tall tower of St Mary's Church with its old, pointed roof and a row of houses, possibly the Bull Inn and a thatched cottage which may have been a set of alms-houses founded in the 1740s. The ground floor of these buildings were often susceptible to flooding when the brook overflowed. Peintiad olew yn darlunio golygfa hanesyddol o'r Trallwng gan yr artist lleol Mary Jane Davies (1855-1917). Ganed Mary yn y Trallwng a mynychodd ddosbarthiadau celf yn Ysgol Gelf Powysland. Peintiodd lawer o olygfeydd o'r Trallwng wedi'u hysbrydoli gan hen ffotograffau a darluniau. Mae’r paentiad hwn yn darlunio’r Trallwng ar ddechrau’r 1800au ac mae’n ymddangos iddo gael ei gopïo o fraslun o 1810. Gallwch weld Bull Arch dros Nant Lledan, tŵr uchel Eglwys y Santes Fair gyda’i hen do pigfain a rhes o dai, o bosibl y Bull Inn a bwthyn to gwellt a allai fod wedi bod yn set o elusendai a sefydlwyd yn y 1740au. Roedd llawr gwaelod yr adeiladau hyn yn aml mewn perygl o lifogydd pan fyddai’r nant yn gorlifo.

Famous names, Artists, Public, Towns


Y Lanfa Powysland Museum Y Lanfa Amgueddfa Powysland

Organisation Reference:
Powysland Museum WEPLM:1984.165


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