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Oil Painting of Dommins' Mill, Welshpool by Mary Jane Davies

Image ID: 00793

Oil Painting of Dommins' Mill, Welshpool by Mary Jane Davies Peintiad Olew o Felin Domins, Y Trallwng gan Mary Jane Davies

© Y Lanfa Powysland Museum, 2023. © Y Lanfa Amgueddfa Powysland, 2023.

Mill Lane
Tescos car park
Mill Lane
Tescos car park
Y Trallwng

Oil painting of Dommins' Mill by local Welshpool artist Mary Jane Davies (1855-1917). Mary was born in Welshpool and attended art classes at the Powysland School of Art. She painted many local views inspired by old photographs and drawings. Dommins' Mill, now demolished, was located on the estate belonging to the Earl of Powis near the site of Domen Gastell a medieval motte and bailey. The mill was fed by Lledan Brook. The building became dilapidated by the turn of the 20th century and was knocked down when the railway was built. It would have been approximately where the supermarket carpark is now. Paentiad olew o Felin Dommins gan yr artist lleol o'r Trallwng, Mary Jane Davies (1855-1917). Ganed Mary yn y Trallwng a mynychodd ddosbarthiadau celf yn Ysgol Gelf Powysland. Peintiodd lawer o olygfeydd lleol wedi'u hysbrydoli gan hen ffotograffau a darluniau. Roedd Melin Dommins, sydd bellach wedi’i dymchwel, wedi’i lleoli ar stad Iarll Powis ger safle Domen Gastell, mwnt a beili canoloesol. Roedd y felin yn cael ei bwydo gan Nant Lledan. Roedd yr adeilad yn adfail erbyn troad yr 20fed ganrif a chafodd ei ddymchwel pan adeiladwyd y rheilffordd. Byddai hynny yn fras wedi bod lle mae maes parcio'r archfarchnad nawr.

Industry, Farming, Famous names, Artists, Public, Rural, Towns


Y Lanfa Powysland Museum Y Lanfa Amgueddfa Powysland

Organisation Reference:
Powysland Museum WEPLM:1984.170


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