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Moccasin Slipper

Image ID: 01153

Moccasin Slipper Sliper Mocasin

© Powysland Museum, 2023. © Y Lanfa Amgueddfa Powysland, 2023.

Y Trallwng

Moccasin slipper made of soft leather with intricate beading. Moccasins are historically the footwear of many indigenous people of North America. Traditionally made of soft animal hide, they would be decorated in various ways inlcuding ribbon work, quill work (using porcupine quills) beads, copper bells or dyed pieces of leather. During the fur trade Europeans adopted these shoes as they were very comfortable and kept the foot warm and dry. In the early days of Powysland Museum donations of 'international curiosity' were accepted in order to show locals examples of items from across the globe. It is possible these shoes were donated by someone who had travelled around North America and brought them back to Wales. This moccasin was once covered in a blue and green fabric which has since worn away but small pieces still remain intact by the beading. The beads are made of glass and include whites, pinks, yellows and blues. If you know any more about these boots, please get in contact with us. Sliper Mocasin a wnaethpwyd o ledr meddal, gyda gleinwaith cymhleth. Yn hanesyddol, trigolion cynhenid Gogledd America sy’n gwisgo’r Focasin. Yn draddodiadol fe’u gwneir o groen anifeiliaid meddal, a byddent yn cael eu haddurno mewn ffyrdd amrywiol megis gwaith rhuban, gwaith cwilsynau (trwy ddefnyddio cwilsynau ballasg) gleiniau, clychau copr neu ddarnau lledr a liwiwyd. Yn ystod y cyfnod masnachu ffwr, roedd trigolion Ewrop wedi mabwysiadu’r focasin oherwydd roeddynt yn gyfforddus iawn, ac yn cadw’r traed yn gynnes ac yn sych. Yn nyddiau cynnar Amgueddfa Powysland derbyniwyd rhoddion o ‘ddiddordeb rhyngwladol’ er mwyn dangos i bobl leol esiamplau o eitemau o bedwar ban byd. Mae’n bosibl i’r esgidiau gael eu rhoi gan rywun oedd wedi teithio Gogledd America ac a ddaeth â nhw nôl i Gymru. Ar un adeg roedd defnydd glas a gwyrdd dros y focasin hon sydd wedi treulio erbyn hyn, ond mae rhai o’r gleiniau’n cadw darnau bach yn eu lle. Gwydr yw deunydd y gleiniau, sy’n cynnwys y lliwiau gwyn, pinc, melyn a glas. Os oes gennych ragor o wybodaeth am y focasin hon, byddem yn hoffi clywed gennych.

Fashion and textiles


Y Lanfa Powysland Museum Y Lanfa Amgueddfa Powysland

Organisation Reference:
Powysland Museum WEPLM:1984.1128


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